Tag: Science

  • Physical Science Grade 8

    In the eighth grade, students will study chemistry and physics in the Physical Science program. The main focus will be on matter and energy, and how they can be utilized for the benefit of humanity. Topics covered include the composition of matter, the atom, movement, energy, basic machines, magnetism, waves, light, sound, and energy sources.…

  • Life Science Grade 7

    In seventh grade Life Science, students study living things that surround them. This course covers topics such as ecology, cell life and structure, life processes, classification, genetics, and organisms. They will explore the diversity of life on Earth and how living things interact with each other and their environment. By the end of this course,…

  • Grade 6 General Science

    Grade 6 General Science covers a range of scientific topics such as the structure and function of life, diversity of life, the relationship between life and the environment, Earth’s air and water, Earth and space, matter, forces, energy, and electricity and magnetism. Students will learn about the basic building blocks of life, including cells, tissues,…

  • Physics





    In this course, students will learn about the theories and laws that govern the interaction of matter, energy, and natural forces through the study of physics. The topics covered will include kinematics, dynamics, energy, work, power, heat, thermodynamics, wave characteristics, light, electricity, magnetism, and nuclear physics. The course also includes virtual laboratory activities that focus…

  • Anatomy and Physiology




    Dive into the fascinating world of human biology in our online Anatomy and Physiology course. Explore the intricate structures and functions of the human body virtually, from dissecting virtual cadavers to simulating physiological processes. Engage in interactive labs, 3D models, and dynamic discussions as you unravel the wonders of anatomy and physiology in a digital…

  • Physical Science




    Dive into the integrated world of Physics and Chemistry with our online Physical Science course. Engage with mechanics, explore electricity and magnetism, decode the mystery of atomic and subatomic particles and untangle the complexity of organic chemistry, all from your digital device. Our virtual classroom brings comprehensive theory and practical laboratory experiences together for a…

  • Chemistry




    Embark on a virtual exploration of the universe’s building blocks with our online Chemistry I course. Discover atomic structures, engage with chemical reactions, and delve into thermodynamics in our interactive, digital setting. Experience the thrill of laboratory experiments right at your home, leveraging technology to bring chemistry to life, no matter where you might be.

  • Biology




    Embark on a transformative odyssey into the wonders of life with Biology. From the intricate mechanisms of cellular biology to the grand tapestry of ecosystems, this course invites you to unravel the mysteries of the living world. Discover the secrets hidden within the DNA, witness the dance of evolution unfolding through millennia, and explore the…