



  • Prerequisites: N/A
  • 2 Semesters
  • 1 Credit

Welcome to our pioneering online Chemistry course. The virtual classroom bridges the gap between you and the fascinating world of chemistry, inviting you to engage with the fundamental principles of matter and its interactions remotely. Explore the intricacies of atomic structures, chemical bonds and the periodic table through interactive online modules and guided learning pathways.

Journey into the world of stoichiometry, balancing chemical reactions from the comfort of your home. Uncover thermodynamic principles, delving into the relationship between energy, heat, and work in chemical systems with digital simulations and virtual experiments.

Experience a virtual laboratory environment where you’ll conduct simulated chemical experiments, applying theoretical principles to practical scenarios. By making the most of innovative technological resources in our course, such as digital modeling and immersive visuals, you can learn and see chemistry in action, seamlessly integrating your virtual learning experience.