Category: High School

  • Music Appreciation

    In Music Appreciation, the student will recognize the development of music from an historicaland cultural perspective. The course will begin with a survey of the elements of music. Studentswill study basic music terminology, instrument families, tempo, rhythm, form, and meter. These elements will then be used throughout the course as a foundation for discussion of…

  • Astronomy

    Have you ever wondered why stars twinkle? Can someone actually fall into a black hole? Will the sun ever stop shining? Since the first time we looked up at the night sky, humans have been captivated by the stars, planets, and vast universe that surrounds us. This course will introduce students to the fascinating field…

  • Anthropology




    This course includes topics such as human origins, adaptation to different environments, diverse behaviors, cultural evolution, language development, family dynamics, and the effects of change on institutions. It also explores the impact of globalization and technology on traditional cultures and the challenges they face in preserving their identities. Through engaging lectures, interactive discussions, and hands-on…

  • Spanish II

    The main goal of Spanish II is to strengthen the basic skills that students have already learned. This course focuses on improving listening, speaking, reading, and writing abilities, as well as increasing cultural understanding. The curriculum will cover further development of listening and speaking skills, with a greater emphasis on reading and writing. However, the…

  • Spanish I

    In Spanish I, students will learn about the Spanish language and culture, and develop their communication skills and cross-cultural understanding. The course will cover basic listening and speaking skills, with a focus on pronunciation. It will also introduce reading and writing, as well as the fundamentals of grammar and culture. By the end of the…

  • French II

    This course builds upon the basic skills learned in French I. It focuses on improving listening, speaking, reading, and writing abilities, as well as cultural understanding. The material covered will continue to develop listening and speaking skills from French I, with a greater emphasis on reading and writing. In addition, the course will introduce more…

  • French I

    This course introduces students to the French language and its culture. Students will learn how to communicate effectively in all three modes of communication and gain cross-cultural understanding. The focus is on developing proficient language skills. The course also covers reading and writing, as well as culture, connections, comparisons, and communities. By the end of…

  • Art History

    This course aims to examine the role of art in history and culture by analyzing significant works of art and architecture from Prehistory to the 16th century. Students will explore the societal context of these works, considering their traditional forms, conventions of representation, symbology, and intended purposes.The course will cover the methodologies of art history…

  • World Religions

    This course focuses on studying the main world religions such as Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism, Shintoism, and Taoism. Students will learn about the foundations of religious beliefs, examine the connections between religion and social and political institutions, track the significant developments of current religions, compare and contrast the major traditions, combine information and…

  • Sociology

    In this class, you will learn about the key theories, concepts, and methods of sociology. Students will understand the concept of having a sociological imagination. Moreover, this course will cover a wide range of topics such as social structures, socialization, culture, social inequality, and social change. Students will also explore different sociological perspectives and their…