



  • Prerequisites: N/A
  • 2 Semesters
  • 1 Credit

Biology is a comprehensive introductory course designed to unravel the intricate mysteries of the biological world. Through a multidimensional exploration of the core principles of biology, students will embark on a captivating journey into the realms of life sciences. The course delves into the fascinating diversity of life forms, from the smallest single-celled organisms to complex ecosystems, providing a holistic understanding of the interconnectedness of all living beings.

Students will unravel the mysteries of cellular biology, delving into the structural and functional complexities of cells that serve as the foundation of life. They will explore the intricacies of genetic inheritance, unraveling the secrets encoded within DNA that determine heredity and diversity in living organisms. By examining the mechanisms of evolution, students will trace the historical journey of life on Earth, understanding how species adapt and evolve over time in response to changing environments.

In Biology, students will also venture into the dynamic field of ecology, studying the interactions between organisms and their environments. They will explore the delicate balance of ecosystems, the flow of energy through food webs, and the impact of human activities on biodiversity and sustainability. Through hands-on laboratory experiments, field studies, and data analysis, students will hone their scientific inquiry skills, conducting investigations and drawing evidence-based conclusions.

By the end of the course, students will have built a solid foundation in biology, equipped with a deep understanding of the principles that govern life on Earth. Biology I aims to inspire curiosity, foster critical thinking, and instill a sense of wonder about the natural world, preparing students for further exploration in the vast field of biological sciences.